Duluth, MN to New Ulm, MN to visit Grandma and Grandpa Patterson, Great Grandma Patterson and Auntie Dani
Approx. hours in car: 6
Highlights: The Minnesota Zoo, the froggy pool, Gwyneth being spoiled to her heart's content, eating at a drive in, just basking in our newfound freedom
New Ulm, MN to Morton, IL via Milwaukee, WI to visit More Nana and Granny and Grandpa Williams
Approx. hours en route with pit stop in Milwaukee: 12
Highlights: Eating Kopps ice cream with More Nana, BBQing with Granny and Grandpa, more swimming, July 4th fireworks, Eating corn on the cobb and watermelon in massive amounts, getting a date night and going to the Shakespeare Festival
Morton, IL to Chicago, IL to visit Auntie Lainey, Uncle Colin, Cousins Oliver and Lauren and Auntie AJ
Approx. hours in car: 3
Highlights: Playing with cousins Lauren and Oliver, celebrating Lauren's birthday, eating Giordano's deep dish pizza, swimming in the pond, seeing Auntie AJ. Stupidly, no photos taken of this fun.
Chicago, IL to Washington D.C. via Newark, NJ to see the sites of our nation's capitol (seems fitting when we're about to leave the country) and also to see our dear friends the Wiehle's
Approx. hours on plane: 3 Approx. hours in car: 3
Highlights: leaving Newark, NJ, seeing all the sites and free museums, spending time in Georgetown with our friends, Gwyneth getting kissed by the president (just kidding on that one)
Washington D.C. to Sound Beach, NY to see Auntie Charlotte and Uncle Lewis
Approx. hours in car: 6 for Lesley and Gwyneth 10 for Wes (he had to go back to the IHOP in NJ and pick up my wallet that I left behind...not a happy moment for anyone, especially Wes)
Highlights: Seeing the Atlantic, Gwyneth getting her toenails painted by Auntie Charlotte, Wes and I stealing away for a day to see all of New York City while Gwyneth was in the care of her Auntie and Uncle. Lesley was truly sad that she didn't see any movie stars. Again, stupidly, no photos taken.
Sound Beach, NY to Belfast, Northern Ireland
Approx hours in car: 6 Approx hours in plane: 6
Highlights: Unpacking our suitcases
Gwyneth with Great Grandma Patterson and her daddy
Gwyneth with Grandma and Grandpa Patterson who took great delight in spoiling her rotten
Gwyneth showing More Nana the wonders of her belly button
Granny and Grandpa Williams' Secret Garden
I had compassion on and "ugly" flower and took it's picture as well...turns out it was beautiful, even with its faults
Gwyneth finds her passion: watermelon
One picture passed on to us to help document Gwyneth's rafting at Colin and Elaine's lake place
Example of bad photography. This is what happens when you're hurriedly taking a photo of your child in front of the White House (see the White House? No not really? What about that lady's rump?...hmph, like I said bad photography)
We spent and afternoon in Georgetown with our wonderful friends Anthony and his wife Su Yun and Tai Yun.
Don't they look thrilled to be at the Washington Monument?
Gwyneth reflects upon the sidewalk at the Pool of Reflection. If you look closely, you can see Air Force One in the sky (again just kidding, although we were often looking up at the sky to see if the president's helicopter was flying over)