Gwyneth's latest acquirement, her pride and joy. We were given an amazingly nice set of practically new matching of doll accessories: pack n' play, pram, front baby carrier, diaper bag with accessories, etc. Some parents of a girl at church were clearing out some toys that their daughter failed to play with and Gwyneth reaped major benefits. We remind her that although these came from our friends, they are truly a gift to her from Jesus. We've been wanting to buy some items like this for her, but haven't because it would have been so costly. She ABSOLUTELY LOVES her dolly gear, and has been playing with it non-stop. What a blessing!
We are currently in a state of flux right now, Wes is soon to start a new job, more about that later, we're trying to secure a new rental property for July (which is proving to be quite difficult, lots of hoops), and we'll be holidaying in June/July, which we're also excited about...that and the belly continues to grow to enormous. The summer is full of promise.
Oh, and Gwyneth thinks she's having a baby too!