Friday, December 28, 2007

What a Wonderful Christmas

We were down in Morton, IL to celebrate Christmas with family. Rarely are all my siblings and their spouses and children and my parents all together in one place. It was a blast to be there and share Gwyneth's first Christmas with them.

Here are a of our wonderful photos of the occasion.

A Family Photo


Anonymous said...

Lesley! This is Kari (Holladay) Valliere - freshman year Pine Hall. Remember? I just found your blog through Dan Armbrust's blog, which I glanced at after getting Karen's Christmas letter. I just read all of your posts and enjoyed seeing the pictures of your beautiful daughter. She is so cute! I would love to catch up more with you so if you want to send an email my address is: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And Happy 1st Birthday to Gwyneth!

HollyJa22 said...

Those are really cute. I love the one where she is looking down on her present and opening it so neatly=0)