Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wisconsin Dells Adventure

We recently got to meet up with my parents for a visit in the Wisconsin Dells. Although I grew up in Wisconsin, I had never been to The Dells when I was old enough to be filled with awe and wonder at the sites that would send just about any child into a frenzy. I had always wondered what I was missing and it turns out that I had missed out on the mecca of waterparks, tripperish pool sculptures and mini amusement parks. We were lucky enough to stay in a hotel with it's very own pool sculpture - a dragon that had water spouting out of its tail. Travelling with Gwyneth was exhausting, as always, but we enjoyed the company of family and Gwyneth got to spend some special time with Granny and Grandpa Williams.

No Dells trip is complete without a little tour on the Ducks!

Of course there was a bit of pool time!

A hike we took in a nearby glen. Guess who threw rocks at a hornet's next...don't worry Gwyneth and I watched from a very, very good distance.


Team Davis said...

Were we in the dells the same weekend? What glen did you go to? I would love to hike there this fall. We are only 45 minutes from there.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we didn't have a "quack up" when riding on the Ducks.

Grandpa Williams