Sunday, March 11, 2007

Terror and Triumph

One wouldn't think that the two words terror and triumph would go together. This morning, they did. Gwyneth set her record for longest uniterrupted sleep. Eight hours (with daylight savings, a false nine)! She slept for so long that when I woke up and realized that it was light outside and saw that the clock read 7 AM, I panicked. I expected to see a cold, blue baby in the crib. I said a quick little prayer ("Dear God, please let Gwyneth be alive".) and dashed into her bedroom. I found a quietly stirring sleeping baby. As soon as my worry was gone, I was elated. I didn't think that Gwyneth would try to sleep through the night at 9 weeks. It was probably just a fluke, but I know she can do it, and it gives me lots of hope for the weeks ahead. However, when she does sleep though the night consistently, I think part of me will miss those quiet middle of the night feedings, where it's just me and her, both groggyily doing our jobs.

1 comment:

Team Davis said...

How exciting! A full night sleep is always one of the best things after not having one for so long. I know what you mean about the night feedings- they were always a special quiet time and I do miss them- but there are many more special times to take the place of those moments.