Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Four Weeks Already!

I can't believe it! It's been four weeks already. If we can make it this far, I'm thinking we can make it the rest of the way through parenthood. I'm sure that there are lots of challenges ahead of us, but our baby has survived our inexperience and even seems to be thriving! We are also growing in our new roles and parenthood is better than I could have ever imagined and the extent of love felt for this little bean is immeasurable!

Although parenthood is phenomenal, I find myself wishing I could turn back the clock so I could experience pregnancy again....even the magic and mystery of labor and delivery and those first moments of glory after Gwyneth was born. I never thought that I would reminisce so much over pregnancy, or even more surprising, my hospital stay. That whole experience filled me with awe and wonder! How cool is it to bring life into this world?!

Gwyneth seems to be getting on a schedule and we're relieved to know a bit more of what to expect of life with her, now that she's on one. Nights have been survivable. She usually has a middle of the night wake up at 2:30 and an early morning wake up at 6:30. I can handle that! The only thing that is difficult is putting her back to bed after her 2:30 feeding - her eyes are generally as wide as an owl's at that time. Luckily after her 6:30 feeding she seems to be able to nurse herself to sleep, to my relief.

Well, now that Gwyneth has made it to her one month mark, I'd better post a couple one month pictures - I don't think she can get any cuter than this!


Team Davis said...

She is sooooooooooooo cute! I can't wait to meet her.

My Family said...

Well, well, well........Wes you look like quite a natural. I knew you would be from the day we all started calling you Dad. Gwyneth is really cute. We are looking forward to meeting her and seeing you both again.

My Family said...

Well, well, well........Wes you look like quite a natural. I knew you would be from the day we all started calling you Dad. Gwyneth is really cute. We are looking forward to meeting her and seeing you both again.

My Family said...

I may have submitted out comments about 10 times because we don't know what we are doing. But seriously, she is one of the cutest babies we have ever seen. I would say cutest, but Jacob might punch me in the thigh.