Saturday, December 16, 2006

Home in a Haze

It's a race against time. Home remodeling - if this doesn't throw me into early labor, it's probably safe to say, I won't go into early labor. Currently our entire house, despite blocking all doorways to the kitchen, is filled with a haze of dust, and I'm crossing my fingers that this baby does not come on a day like today.

It all began with a bathroom remodel project started last December.

Here's a picture of what it used to look like (and I guess that's partly why we got our house for as cheap as we did). With the slant in the roof, there was no way to install a shower. The previous owners never finished painting the thing. The sink leaked (hence the garbage can under it), and the layout was poor. Granted there's not a whole lot of space to work with here, but it's now on it's way to looking much better.

Here are a few pictures of our almost completed bathroom. I have to note that Wes has done an amazing job, even if it has taken a bit more time than hoped. I do have to give him credit though, he stripped the room down to the studs and joists and then rewired and replumbed the whole thing. The only fixture that is in the same space is the toilet, everything else found a new location and Wes even built a wall for the sink to go up against on one side and the shower on the other. There are a few remaining things that need to be done and then the bathroom will be complete.

Well, even though the bathroom is looking fine and dandy, there is a bit of a creak in the floor when walking over it. Wes is doubting that it's supported well enough to hold all the Durock and tile that was laid, so now it's on to pulling down the drop kitchen ceiling and then taking out the sheetrock, lath and plaster above it, so that he can support the beams from underneath...all so that I don't fall through the ceiling when I take my first bath in our gleaming new tub (fair enough). So, today, this is what we're dealing with:

Today, Wes is doing the demolition, the supporting of the floor of the bathroom and the electrical work for track lighting...and the clean up. And the tomorrow a blessed friend is going to help him install the sheetrock. After that I'll get to give the house another wipedown, one of many with all these projects.

In the meantime, I'm wondering if I should try to get out of the house and do a little Christmas shopping, but to be honest, I don't know what is worse, battling the dust, or battling the crowds.


astefanich said...

Wow! This is really impressive! Good work! I'm excited to see and hear more in future editions of the Patterson Post. - Sarah&Aaron

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's fun to see what you two are up to! I hope the sheetrock installation went well. :)