Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Is it Time Yet???

I keep on thinking to myself, "is it time yet?" It seems like I could coax this baby out just by setting things straight. The bathroom is 99.9% done, the kitchen - completed, the nursery - finished, diaper bag - purchased...what else could this baby be waiting for??? Apparently it's waiting for its little den to become crushingly cramped. One would think that the elbow, foot, knee, or whatever body appendage it was that stuck out 2 inches the other night would be a good indication of that, but apparently not. All I can think about is how close we are to getting...or not getting the 2006 tax break for this child!

Well, the kitchen, minus me cleaning the remodel dust out of a few more cupboards, is done. I told Wes tonight that when I'm in it, I feel rich. That's a good feeling. It's still a modest kitchen, but it's a delightfully nice modest kitchen. I can stand being in it, and I think I might even enjoy cooking and doing the dishes more because of it! Although the process was horribly difficult to watch as everything got pulled apart, it was worth it, just like Wes told me it would be (which I had a hard time believing in the midst of it). Here are some pictures of our new and much improved kitchen - nevermind those dishes on the counter and stove (still cupboard cleaning):
I also figured now would be a good time to include perhaps the last picture of me pregnant with this child. 39 Weeks!

I hope all is well and that each of you had a wonderfully pleasant Christmas!...and Wes told me to tell all of you out in cyberspace, "hello."


Anonymous said...

Wow, the kitchen looks great! It looks like a totally different room than I remember seeing last time I was there. Great job! Now the baby can relax and slip into a clean haven (Very, very soon)!

Anonymous said...

How exciting...Lesley, you look great! good luck! Emily (Hodapp) McChesney